What can be done to improve the fertility rate in Korea or China? What will happen if that rate is not improved? - Lee Jeong eun (이정은)

I think increasing inequality is something to worry about. This is because if inequality increases, there may be a lot of conflicts and various social problems may arise due to mismatched interests. As can be seen in the current society, if it is not fair, someone will definitely complain. Even if you don't see the whole society, complaints would arise if it wasn't fair in society such as schools and workplaces, but I think it would be worse for the whole society.

 If you look at various news, there are many news articles that complain about inequality. As such, many people hate inequality and want to improve it. However, if inequality increases, their dissatisfaction will also increase and a big conflict may arise.

 In addition, if inequality increases, society will be polarized and the number of middle classes may decrease. This means that the whole society is not solid. In order for the whole society to be solid, the number of middle classes must be large and the gap between the rich and the poor must not be wide, so I think it is necessary to prevent inequality from increasing. 

In addition, seeing many scholars such as Rawls have devised theories to avoid inequality, aim for equality, and I think increasing inequality is something to be concerned about.


  1. As shown in the above article, if social inequality deepens, various problems can arise. Among them, when inequality deepens, many people feel that the social system is unfair. I think it is difficult to change individual perceptions, even if we pay maximum attention to the fairness of the system. For that reason, not the efforts of one person and each government, but at the same time, all members of society should strive for social stability and prosperity while preparing policies that guarantee fair opportunities and distribution.

  2. Raising the fertility rate in South Korea and China is a complex social problem that requires comprehensive measures to deal with it. 1 is to provide direct economic subsidies and tax incentives to help reduce the economic burden of child rearing. Provide housing subsidies or preferential loans to help young families buy housing. The second is to extend maternity leave and parental leave to ensure that parents have enough time to take care of newborns. Provide flexible working schedules to allow parents to better balance work and family life. Increase childcare facilities to provide high-quality and low-cost childcare services.

    If no measures are taken to increase the fertility rate, it may lead to a decrease in the young population and an increase in the proportion of the elderly population, leading to an insufficient labor force and an increase in the pressure on the social security system.

    The reduction of labor force may lead to a slowdown in economic growth and a decline in productivity, affecting the country's comprehensive competitiveness. Solving the fertility problem requires the joint efforts of the government, enterprises and all sectors of society to effectively deal with it through comprehensive measures.


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