April 29 (Mon) Kim Chae Eun
1. Summary
Arnett described the goal of socialization as follows.
1. Impulse control and development of conscience.
2. Preparing and performing roles, including professional roles, gender roles, and roles in institutions such as marriage and parental roles.
3. The source of meaning, the cultivation of what is important, valuable, and to live.
Socialization is the process of preparing humans to function in social life. Socialization is relative to culture and does not force evaluation judgments. Since socialization is the adoption of culture, it differs from culture to culture and from subculture to culture. It should be noted that socialization is a key sociological process in the development of individuals who can function in human society, but not all aspects of human behavior are learned.
Socialization is generally divided into two parts. Primary socialization occurs early in life in childhood and adolescence. Secondary socialization refers to socialization that occurs throughout life when meeting new groups in need of additional socialization in childhood. Most social scientists argue that an individual's basic or core identity develops during primary socialization and later more specific changes occur through secondary socialization.
Mortimer and Simmons describe three specific ways in which the two parts of socialization differ.
1. Content - Socialization in childhood is related to the regulation of biological impulses. Socialization in adolescence is related to important values and self-image development. Socialization in adulthood and specific non-behavioral norms.
2. Context - A school or peer group is an early life group of children and relationships at this time are more likely to be emotionally charged. In adulthood, the socialized person may take on the role of a student, but a lot of socialization occurs after the socialized person takes on the role of an adult fully. In addition, format relationships are more likely to be formed and emotional components are alleviated.
3. Response - Children and adolescents are more amenable than adults. Also, most adult socialization is self-initiated and spontaneous.
Socialization involves interactions between people in each process. Socialization can occur as a result of contact with numerous groups in various situations.
Arnett distinguished the types of socialization into broad socialization and narrow socialization. Wide socialization is intended to promote independence, individualism, and self-expression and has the potential to have widespread consequences. Narrow socialization is intended to promote obedience and conformity. Arnett argued that there are cases where there are differences in socialization according to gender.
Not all socialization is voluntary, and not all socialization is successful. An example is a social component specifically designed to resocialize an opening that has not been successfully socialized from the beginning. Some of these institutions are defined as entire institutions according to the degree of isolation and resocialization that occurs in a specific institution. The most common examples of entire institution is to promote a complete disconnection from existing life so that the institution can resocialize individuals into new lives.
Mortimer and Simmons said that when an institution's goal is socialization, the institution tends to use normative pressure. It also argued that if the institution's goal is the resocialization of the deviant, coercion is involved.
Examples that explain the importance of socialization include a small number of children who have not been socialized by adults while growing up. They generally lack basic social skills learned in the process of socialization.
Socialization, the concept of social science research, has evolved over time. The approach of socialization can be summarized as follows.
Symbolic Interactionism : The self develops as a result of interrelated social interactions and interpretation processes. Socialization is a continuous, lifelong process.
Role Theory : Socialization is regarded as the process of acquiring appropriate norms, attitudes, self-images, values, and role behaviors that enable acceptance within a group and effective performance of new roles. Socialization is a conservative force that allows the perpetuation of social organizations despite the replacement of individual members.
Reinforcement Theory : The self develops as a result of cognitive evaluation of costs and benefits. Assume that a moderator is an independent and active negotiator to gain advantages in relationships with role partners and groups when approaching new roles.
Internalization Theory : Socialization is a series of steps in which individuals learn how to participate in different levels of social organization.
Recent studies have shown that children are born to accurately imitate the roles of adults, including ineffective behavior, which is called over-implication. This is likely one of the characteristics of humans that promote the transmission of culture from generation to generation.
Long and Hadden proposed a modified understanding of socialization so that they could develop research methodologies to reduce confusion and measure socialization, and potentially compare the results of other studies. They reconstructed socialization as "a medium that transforms new immigrants into true members of the group."
Ellis Lee and Peterson explored the differences in how to raise children according to their parents' social class. Lower-class parents emphasized more compliance with their children, while middle-class parents emphasized more creativity and independence. Ellis confirmed that the reason why lower-class parents emphasize their children's compliance is that they experience compliance in their daily lives. Erlanger was interested in the correlation between social classes and physical violence and published the following results.
Corporal punishment does not lead to authoritarianism in the working class. Childhood punishment experiences do not explain that working-class adults are more likely to commit murder than middle-class adults. The general use of corporal punishment is not a harbinger of child abuse.
Marshall interviewed several retirement home residents to investigate how their environment affected the idea of death and found that a combination of relationships, behavioral changes, retirement, and home culture contributed to the receptive and courageous conception of death.
Rosenbaum was interested in the impact of high school tracks on IQ. He hypothesized that students who followed a lower track would score lower on IQ tests than those who followed a higher track over time. In fact, the experiment showed that people on the lower track actually saw a decrease in IQ compared to the likelihood of an increase in those on the upper track.
Socialization is the process by which humans learn how to function in a particular society. Humans experience some form of socialization in their lives, but rarely in history, individuals are forced to live in social isolation or undergo socialization through alternative means. Socialization is culturally relative, and this is most evident in the various social norms that exist around the world.
2. Any new, interesting, or unusual items learned
I was impressed by the sentence that not all socialization was voluntary and not all socialization was successful. When I met someone during my life, I thought that socialization would always occur, and I thought that socialization was successful only by interacting with them, but it was amazing that the socialization of the person who caused the crime was not successful. It was also good to know about the various types of socialization.
3. Question
How do non-human animals socialize?
If there is an unsuccessful socialization, does socialization also have the answer?
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