W13.2 May 31 (Fri) ZHANG JINGYANG 장정양


Gender Expression: This refers to the external presentation of gender through behavior, clothing, haircut, voice, and other forms of presentation. Gender expression can be masculine, feminine, androgynous, or any combination.

Biological Sex: This is determined by physical attributes such as chromosomes, hormone levels, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Typically categorized as male, female, or intersex.


There are many genders, including male, female, non-binary, and other culturally specific identities.

The increasing phenomenon of misandry, or dislike of men, among some women can be attributed to several social, cultural, and personal factors. Here are some reasons that help explain why more women may express negative feelings toward men:

-Patriarchy: Long-standing societal structures that favor men and marginalize women have led to systemic inequality, discrimination, and oppression. Women have faced limitations in various aspects of life, including careers, education, and personal autonomy.

-Gender Discrimination: Persistent experiences of sexism, harassment, and gender-based violence can lead to frustration and resentment toward men, who are often seen as the perpetrators or beneficiaries of these inequities.

-Feminism: The feminist movement has raised awareness about gender issues, empowering women to speak out against injustices and challenge traditional gender roles. This awareness can sometimes manifest as criticism of men and patriarchal systems.

3. question

What are some effective strategies to bridge the growing divide between men and women in modern society, fostering mutual understanding and cooperation instead of perpetuating antagonism and hostility?


  1. You have a good understanding of gender, especially the negativity of women towards men. But we need more mutual understanding and co-operation if we are to solve this problem. Men and women need to work together to break down gender bias and promote equality. This requires a lot of effort such as: education, advocating for equality, providing support and resources, and creating an inclusive environment where everyone is free to express their gender identity without discrimination.


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