W 15.1 June 10 (Mon)- Kim solhwi/김솔휘


Today's page introduces demographics. Demographics are the study of population structure and variations. These demographics are used as tools to explain multiple sociological phenomena.

The demographic transition describes the process of transitioning from high birth rates and mortality to low birth rates and mortality rates. Prior to industrialization, the mortality rate decreases, but the birth rate is high and the population increases. After that, the rate of population growth stabilizes as the birth rate also decreases.

It's about population growth and food. In other words, it talks about the impact of population growth on the food supply. Some people argue that the population increases or decreases with the food supply.

-Interesting point

I found the story of food and population growth interesting. We need to think about whether the population increased as the food supply increased, or whether the food supply increased as the population increased and technology advanced. You can think about whether chicken comes first or eggs. It felt like an interesting topic because food is a big part of living.


Do you think the current population of the Earth is appropriate? If you think it is overpopulated, how should you manage limited Earth resources?


  1. When overpopulation threatens the earth's resources, we can protect the earth's resources through efficient policy and technological development for sustainable resource use, control the birth rate through population management, and strengthen environmental protection and conservation to make the earth's resources sustainable. You can manage it properly.

  2. Your summary introduces demographics as the study of population structure and changes, particularly through the lens of demographic transition from high to low birth and mortality rates. The discussion on food and population growth raises thought-provoking questions about the interplay between food supply and population dynamics, akin to the chicken-and-egg dilemma. In the discussion, considering the appropriateness of Earth's current population leads to contemplating sustainable resource management strategies in response to potential overpopulation, emphasizing the need for balanced environmental and social approaches.


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