W 14.2 (june 7) - jaejun Kim(김재준)

1. Summary

Technology encompasses a wide range of tools, methods, and processes used to produce goods, services, or achieve scientific goals. Examples include agricultural advancements, electric vehicles, computers, and infrastructure, all of which enhance productivity.

Mobile phones, for instance, have revolutionized communication by enabling calls without fixed phone lines. In the U.S., 92% of adults own cell phones, leading to significant social changes and a decline in public phone usage. Informal norms have emerged regarding mobile phone use in public spaces, such as acceptable usage while walking versus in movie theaters.

Social networks serve as valuable platforms for business networking and maintaining relationships with distant friends and family. However, they also pose risks, such as inappropriate content sharing, driven by the desire to avoid social exclusion. Excessive use of social networks can detract from other activities and impact academic performance, with seniors generally showing better management than freshmen.

2. Interesting Points

It was intriguing to discover that technology encompasses not only physical devices but also methods and knowledge, highlighting its broad scope and impact. The transformation of social norms due to mobile phone adoption underscores how technology influences everyday behaviors and interactions in public settings.

Additionally, understanding the dual nature of social networks—as tools for connectivity and potential sources of risks—highlighted the importance of responsible usage and digital etiquette.

3. Discussion point

Broad Definition of Technology: Why is it crucial to broaden our understanding of technology beyond physical devices to include methods, processes, and knowledge? How does this broader definition impact various industries and our daily lives?


  1. Your summary effectively covers technology's broad impact, from mobile phones shaping social norms to social networks balancing connectivity and risks. The discussion on broadening the definition of technology is crucial because it acknowledges its role beyond physical devices, encompassing methodologies and knowledge systems. This expanded view facilitates interdisciplinary innovations in fields like healthcare and enhances individual and industrial productivity. Understanding technology in this holistic way underscores its transformative influence on daily life and highlights the need for responsible usage amidst its evolving complexities.


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