W 13.2 May 31(Fri) - Kim solhwi/김솔휘


Today page is a page that deals with various social topics related to gender.Major information is comprehensively dealing with various topics related to gender, and results of gender differences.This page consists of factors such as biological differences, social and psychological differences, social and psychological differences.

-Interesting point

These days, gender inequality is an issue. It's a big issue all over the world, and in Korea, too. Most of the group's executives are men. It's called the "glass ceiling phenomenon." This phenomenon refers to the limits of promotion that women can't see in an organization. I found it interesting because I think it's still happening throughout society, even though people say that ability is important.


What are some ways to solve the glass ceiling phenomenon of women?


  1. They acquire specialized knowledge and skills through continuous self-improvement and education, and develop leadership skills. They find mentors to improve their careers and gain a variety of opportunities and information through networking. Recognize their values, clarify their arguments when necessary, and improve their negotiation skills.

  2. In order to overcome the glass phenomenon of women, that is, gender discrimination related to women, there is a way to change the current organizational policy first. A better society can be created only when policies on gender discrimination are consistently implemented. In addition, I think it is important to further form and implement affiliation or programs that encourage female leaders. At the end of the day, we should not stop at thinking, but we should move to action and actively promote it.

  3. The issue of the glass ceiling phenomenon is indeed significant and pervasive. Addressing it requires systemic changes such as promoting gender diversity in leadership roles, implementing transparent promotion criteria, and providing mentorship and training programs specifically aimed at women. Additionally, creating a supportive work culture that values meritocracy and inclusivity can help break down barriers for women in advancing to senior positions.


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