May 27(Mon) Kim Chae Eun

 1. Summary

Social inequality occurs when resources within society are unevenly distributed, and differences in the way we approach social goods within society are affected by several factors. Social inequality is generally associated with economic inequality, which is explained on the basis of unequal distribution of income or wealth.

Social inequality is formed by various structural factors such as geographic location and citizenship status. Therefore, social inequality can be very low in a simple society, that is, a society where members have few social roles and positions. Social inequality can be classified into an equal society, a hierarchical society, and a hierarchical society. In addition, there are fives systems of social inequality: wealth inequality, treatment and responsibility inequality, political inequality, life inequality, and member inequality. Social stats is divided into two types : attribution characteristics and achievement characteristics. An individual's social position in the overall social hierarchy of society affects almost all aspects of social life and individual life opportunities.

Inequality ensures that a variety of goods and services are provided in the open market, promotes ambition, and provides incentives for diligence and innovation. Social mobility is the movement of individuals, ethnic groups, or countries along social classes or classes, and movements can be vertical or horizontal.

Socioeconomic status is a comprehensive measure of an individual's work experience and the economic and social status of an individual or family member compared to others based on income, education, and occupation. Karl Marx understands the social class according to the relationship of the means of production, and Max Weber understands the social class according to wealth and status. In modern Western society, inequality is often classified into three main social classes : the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class.

Many societies around the world are claimed to be meritocratic societies, where meritocracy was created by Michael Young in a 1958 dystopian essay to explain the social dysfunction that elites expected to occur in a society where they believed they were inherently successful based on ability.

Gender inequality is the treatment of women and men differently on the basis of masculinity and femininity by sharing labor, assigning roles and responsibilities, and assigning social rewards. Gender-based prejudice and discrimination are major factors causing social inequality, and in most societies, there is a division of labor according to some gender. In particular, gender discrimination related to women's low social status has been a serious topic of discussion not only in academia and activist communities, but also in government agencies and international organizations such as the United Nations.

Race or ethnic inequality is the result of hierarchical social distinctions between racial and ethnic categories in society and is often established based on characteristics such as skin color and other physical characteristics, and the region of origin of an individual.

Age discrimination is defined as the unfair treatment of people in relation to promotion, recruitment, resources or privileges on the grounds of age.

Genderism, a form of age discrimination, is the discrimination between children and those under the legal adult age.

Health inequality is associated with access to healthcare in most cases, and in industrialized countries, health inequality is most prevalent in countries that do not implement a universal healthcare system, such as the United States. Health inequality decreases in countries with a universal healthcare system.

The concept of economic growth is fundamental to capitalist economies. Productivity should increase as the population increases, and capital should be reflected in increased productivity.

2. Any new, interesting, or unusual items learned

The article reminded me of an article on the Internet that Korea is the easiest country to move social classes. Since countries such as the United States are difficult to move between classes, it is said that ordinary people live with the top priority of living happily, and ordinary people in Korea struggle more to move between classes. I thought that movement between classes might not be simply to want to improve their status but not to receive the various inequalities described in this article.

3. Question

What is the relationship between economic growth and social inequality?

What are the main factors that an individual or group should consider to increase social mobility?

Can you explain how an individual's social status specifically affects their life opportunities?


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