[extra point] 장유경

 1. There are a lot of clean energy that can be obtained from space. The most impressive part of them is the fact that something can be transmitted to Earth through the collected solar energy. The collected solar energy can be transmitted to Earth in the form of microwaves or lasers. Microwave transmission is less affected by atmospheric conditions and can deliver energy intensively to specific points. In addition, as wireless power transmission technology advances, it is possible to efficiently transmit and distribute energy to specific places on Earth. This can overcome the limitations of the traditional power grid. Up until now, I thought solar energy would only be used for power, but I did not know that it was also used in the field of information and communication technology like this, so it is very interesting.

2. This video shows how clean energy can be used to generate electricity using solar energy and nuclear fusion reactors. I support this method. We have to prepare slowly from now on in case the earth's resources run out one day. But it costs a lot of money. A really astronomical amount of money will be used, which is a level that is not a unit of money we commonly know. However, for descendants who will use it to save money and use it environmentally in the very distant future, we must work hard to build it up.

3. We had discussed symbols in class. Symbols often refer to the marks, colors, etc. that represent the word. The eco-friendly resources that we commonly know as symbols may be just thermal power, hydroelectric power, wind power, and solar power, but if you go deeper and find out, you can see that information is transmitted through solar energy as shown in this video. Therefore, it is important to know that symbols can express something and use it as a representative image, but symbols alone do not express everything.


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