[extra point] 장유경

 1. Discussing whether interplanetary trade is possible in the future is an interesting and complex topic. To do this, several scientific, technical, economic, and social aspects must be considered. Among them, I focused on the economic conditions and watched the video. In reality, for interplanetary trade to be economically feasible, the value of space resources must be very high, or there must be essential resources that are not available on Earth. This requires an economic model that can justify the enormous initial investment and continuous operating costs. In order for interplanetary trade to take place, the demand for space resources and the markets that can pay for them are necessary. There is a real problem involved in preparing it. I found it interesting that it is an essential resource that is not available on Earth. Everything that is needed for human survival is on Earth, and I wondered what else it would need.

2. Although it is difficult to clearly define essential resources that are not available on Earth at present, several potential resources can promote space exploration and interplanetary trade in the future. These resources can have a significant impact on Earth's economy, technology, and ecosystem. They may be metals used in high-tech electronics or they may be essential for maintaining life systems, such as water and organic compounds. I think this is a positive idea. It would be positive if Earth's resources run out one day and use them in space, where they can also be used as economic resources

3. We have learned about the factors that reduce the trade reduction of globalization. If you think the opposite way based on this, we can also see the factors that increase it. I think it will be difficult to reduce tariffs like international trade agreements if a deal with space is made. Because it requires the demand of science and technology. Therefore, I think it is most efficient to slowly increase the global trade volume through the spaceization of multinational corporations.


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