[Extra point] D-3 권은송 eunsong kwon

 This video focuses on the Dyson Sphere, which is expected to be inevitably built as high-tech civilization develops. Dyson Sphere is a huge structure that surrounds a star to make the most of its energy. This video explores why these structures appear to not exist and how to find traces of extraterrestrial civilizations through them. While watching this video, I was most impressed by the part that mentioned various possibilities as to why we cannot observe a civilization that has advanced enough to create a Dyson Sphere. I remember reading an explanation of civilization through Wikipedia as a blog assignment in <Introduction to Information Sociology>. When I revisited the material I read at that time, I learned about social civilization, which is defined as places and cultures that developed independently. Although the Dyson Sphere is a civilization, I thought it did not correspond to a social civilization. So, I searched to find out what civilization Dyson Sphere corresponds to, and found that it corresponds to a type 2 civilization that utilizes all the energy of a star. It was beneficial to learn about representative examples of highly developed technological civilizations in addition to social civilizations.


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