Extra Blog D 4 Kim Chae Eun

1. What was surprising or interesting in the video?

Although the human brain show remarkable machine-level abilities, it has been challenged by the recent development of artificial intelligence. Especially, AI outperforms humans in computational power, but the human brain excels at analyzing advanced data and filtering out related information through very complex information processing. I think this is why AI cannot replace all occupational groups in reality. It was also very interesting that animals showed outstanding intelligence that did not lag behind humans. In particular, it was impressive that crows, which thought they were simple birds, had excellent problem-solving skills using tools, dolphins had complex communication systems, and elephants had deep emotional intelligence and empathy.

2. What is the main topic of the video, and what do you think about it?

I think the theme of this video is "comparison and evaluation of human and animal intelligence." In the video, the human brain is very good, but it has a limitation in computational power compared to artificial intelligence, emphasizing that the human brain is not the final and complete of neuroengineering. It also details the intelligence of various animals. It explains how to compare the brain size and intelligence of animals through the EQ scale, which emphasizes that humans have a high EQ, so they can exert a high degree of intelligence and problem-solving skills. In addition, it can be seen as the basis for this topic that it emphasizes that intelligence develops through interactions with the environment, not just the result of evolution.

3. How does the topic of this video tie to what we have been discussing in class?

Social issues that can be discussed with those who watched the video include human- centered thinking, animal rights and welfare, environmental destruction and ecosystem conservation, technological advancement, and artificial intelligence. The mindset of comparing human intelligence to other animals with absolute superiority reflects human-centered thinking, which can be used as a basis for humans to dominate and exploit animals. Therefore, when comparing the intelligence of humans and animals, an attitude that respects the animals' unique intelligence and capabilities is necessary. The high intelligence and emotional complexity of the animals mentioned in the video raise questions about animal rights and welfare. The fact that animals, such as dolphins and elephants, have high intelligence and emotional abilities emphasizes that they should not be simply treated as tools or resources. In addition, the impact of AI development on human jobs and understanding the role and limitations of AI compared to human intelligence are important discussions in modern society, and the development of ethical and responsible technologies is necessary in consideration of the impact of AI development on human society. In addition, the emotional intelligence and social relationship shown by animals is also an important issue in human society. Emotional bonds and empathy play an important role in the cooperation and stability of human society.


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