W9.1 April 29 (Mon) Assignment - Lee Sihoon
1. summarize
The "Socialization" page on Wikibooks discusses the profound importance of socialization in human development. It uses extreme cases like Genie and Oxana Malaya, who suffered from severe isolation, to illustrate the critical role of social interaction in psychological and social development. The chapter also explores different types of socialization (primary and secondary), the goals of socialization such as impulse control and role preparation, and various theoretical approaches to understanding socialization, including symbolic interactionism and role theory. Lastly, it discusses the process of resocialization in total institutions like prisons and psychiatric hospitals.
2. interesting points
Reading about the impact of socialization in sociology, particularly through extreme cases of isolation, is quite thought-provoking. It underscores the critical role that social interaction plays in our psychological and social development. The cases of Genie and Oxana Malaya highlight not only the resilience of human beings but also the profound consequences of neglect. Additionally, the discussion of different socialization theories provides a deeper understanding of how individuals learn to integrate into society, shaping our perspectives on education and rehabilitation in social settings.
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