W11.1 May 13 (Mon) Assignment - Lee Sihoon

 1. summarize

A social network is a structure made up of individuals or organizations, connected by various social relationships such as friendship, kinship, or professional ties. Social network analysis examines these structures to identify influential entities and understand network dynamics. This interdisciplinary field combines sociology, social psychology, statistics, and graph theory. Early theorists like Georg Simmel and Jacob Moreno laid the groundwork, which has evolved significantly with the advent of digital data. Social networks are self-organizing and complex, revealing patterns through local interactions.

2. interesting point

The concept of a social network is very complex and involves a wide variety of social relationships and interactions. This structure goes beyond just connections between individuals, but also involves connections between organizations, and analyzing these relationships can provide important insights. Social network analysis has evolved with the advent of digital data, which allows us to understand social influence, information flows, and the dynamics of networks, among other things. This process draws on a convergence of sociology, psychology, statistics, graph theory, and more. What I found particularly interesting to read is that social networks are spontaneous and complex systems: individuals or organizations form connections with specific intentions, but these individual interactions form the larger patterns and trends of the entire network. I also found it fascinating that it is possible to analyze how important a particular person or node is within a network and how information or influence flows. I was impressed that this has applications in a variety of fields, including marketing, the spread of infectious diseases, and political movements.

3. some questions

How can insights from social network analysis contribute to solving social problems?

How can you identify important nodes and their roles in a social network?

이시훈, Lee Sihoon


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