W11.1 Blog for reading materials


The article provides a comprehensive exploration of social network theory, its historical development, theoretical underpinnings, and practical applications across diverse fields.

Social networks are structures composed of social actors, their ties, and interactions.The field emerged from disciplines like social psychology, sociology, statistics, and graph theory,and offers methods for analyzing social structures, identifying patterns, and studying network dynamics.

Early precursors include the works of sociologists like Georg Simmel and Jacob Moreno.Development accelerated in the 1930s with systematic recording and analysis of social interaction. Later contributions came from scholars like Talcott Parsons, leading to the integration of different traditions by the 1970s.


Micro-level focuses on individuals and their immediate social contexts, such as dyads and triads.Examining populations falling between micro and macro levels, often revealing connections between them.Analyzing outcomes of interactions over large populations, tracing economic or resource transfer interactions.

Theoretical frameworks like Graph theory, Balance theory, and Social identity approach are utilized in social network analysis. Indigenous theories such as structural role theory and heterophily theory have been developed within the field.


In modern society, many interdisciplinary disciplines have emerged, and social network theory is one of them. Is this the revival of the Frankfurt School?


  1. Social network theory is indeed an interdisciplinary field of study that explores the connections and interactions between people and how these connections shape social structures. The theory derives from many disciplines such as social psychology and sociology. Multidimensional perspectives are provided in frameworks such as schema theory, and indigenous theories emphasize cultural contextual influences. But this kind of needs a lot of research in practice to explore the application of the theory in solving social problems and enhancing organizational efficiency.


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