W 9.1 - choi yun ji / 최윤지


Socialization is the process of preparing an individual to function in social life, and its core goals are to control needs and develop a conscience, to prepare for roles and achievements, and to cultivate meaning and values. Socialization is culturally relative, and people in different social positions socialize differently. Also, while not all human behaviors are learned, there is evidence that some behaviors, such as compassion and morality, can be determined biologically. Socialization can be culturally influenced and biologically vice versa.

Arnett distinguishes between broad (independence-promoting) and narrow (adherence-emphasizing) socialization applicable across different social forces and cultures that affect outcomes, such as crime rates and gender roles.

2)an interesting point

1. Total Institutions and Resocialization: Total institutions, like prisons and mental health institutions, aim to completely break individuals from their previous life to resocialize them into a new one. This process involves tightly scheduled activities, withholding information about one's fate, and stripping away elements of individuality through what Goffman termed "the mortification of the self." It's fascinating how these institutions reshape individuals' identities and behaviors to fit societal norms.

2. Diverse Socialization Methodologies: Different types of institutions employ varied socialization methodologies. Institutions focused on socialization tend to use normative pressures, while those aimed at resocializing deviants often resort to coercion. This highlights the diverse approaches institutions take to shape individuals' behavior and attitudes, raising questions about the balance between conformity and individual autonomy in the socialization process.


Children need close care throughout society. At what point is it best to learn a language through socialization?


  1. I found your blog post on socialization very insightful! The way you explained the process of socialization and its goals, as well as the distinction between culturally relative and biologically influenced behaviors, was well-articulated. Your mention of Arnett's broad and narrow socialization adds a valuable perspective to understanding how different cultures and social forces shape outcomes like crime rates and gender roles.

    One suggestion for further enhancement would be to include some real-life examples or case studies that illustrate how total institutions and diverse socialization methodologies impact individuals. This could help readers better understand the practical implications of the theories you discussed.


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