W 11.1 (may 13) - jaejun Kim(김재준)

1. Summary

Wikipedia page "Social network" provides comprehensive information about social networks. Social networks are a complex of structural relationships in which people interact and exchange information. This page covers the definition of social networks, historical backgrounds, components, and various methodologies and applications used in social network analysis.

2. interesting point

Definition and Components of Social Network: A social network consists of patterns in which individuals, groups, organizations, etc. interact and share information. The connections and relationships between individuals determine the location and role in the network. For example, friendships, professional connections, blood ties, etc. can be components of the social network.

Tools and Methods of Social Network Analysis: Social network analysis uses a variety of tools and methodologies to understand and predict network structures and characteristics. Centrality index, clustering analysis, and information propagation models are widely used, and through this, the importance of a specific entity or information propagation pattern can be analyzed.

Application of Social Network: Social network theory and analysis are used not only in sociology, but also in various fields such as economics, information science, and marketing. For example, social network analysis can be applied to influence analysis in social media, optimization of internal structure of an organization, management of cooperative networks, etc.

3. Discussion Questions:

Social Network and Individual Relationships: How does an individual's social position affect the structure of their social network? Discuss the impact of what kind of social relationships on individual access to opportunities and resources.


  1. Your summary of the Wikipedia page on "Social network" was very informative! I appreciated the comprehensive overview of social networks, including definitions, components, methodologies in analysis, and diverse applications across various fields.

    "Social Network and Individual Relationships: How does an individual's social position affect the structure of their social network? Discuss the impact of different types of social relationships on an individual's access to opportunities and resources."

    This question is crucial for understanding how social networks shape individual outcomes and opportunities across different contexts.


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