W9.1(Haein Lee, 이해인)


What I read today is an article on various types of socialization among sociology. Socialization is called socialization, which is the behavior that allows someone to adapt to a society. The types of socialization include primary and secondary socialization, widespread socialization, and narrow socialization. The criteria for dividing the primary and secondary socialization are divided according to the period of socialization. Primary socialization generally means socialization in the early stages of life, that is, as children and adolescents, and secondary socialization is socialization that occurs when another group is met.
It can also be distinguished by scope. Extensive socialization is intended to promote independence and individualism, and narrow socialization is intended for obedience and conformity.
Socialization can be understood in various theories. There are four main categories: symbolic interactionism, role theory, reinforcement theory, and internalization theory. Symbolic interactionism is that the self develops as a result of interrelated social interactions and interpretation processes, and role theory is regarded as a process of acquiring appropriate role behaviors that enable acceptance in the grooms and effective performance of new roles. In addition, reinforcement theory is that the self develops as a result of cognitive evaluation of costs and benefits, and internalization theory is a series of steps in which individuals learn to participate in social organizations at various levels
Among the articles I read today, the socialization that occurs during different periods is different. In other words, the difference between primary and secondary socialization was interesting. It was also interesting that socialization was defined as learning the process of first person's birth and self-awareness and mixing into society, and it was also interesting that explaining the process of entering and adapting to a new society was also defined as socialization.
Have you experienced socialization? What part of it did you get socialized?


  1. I realized the importance of various theories to understand socialization once again. The theory of socialization explores the effects of culture and social systems on individual thinking, behavior, and values. Each culture or social system has its own values, norms, and role models, and the theory of socialization helps to understand and explain this diversity. You should try to understand these theories and understand social systems and their members.


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