[w9.1]April 29-YeonWoo Jung(정연우)


There are three different from the target of socialization.First, the development of impulsive control and conscience.Second, we will prepare roles in the system such as vocational and marriage and parents.Third, culture of what we have to live in meaningful or valuable.Socialization is referred to as the process of preparing for humans to function in society.Socialization will experience the second socialization of children and adolescents that need more socialization after the first socialization of children and adolescents in the early life.What is the reason why socialization emphasizes?In other words, it is likely to grow up to social components in very young age, but it is highly likely to grow normal social components.

It was interested to prepare for the second socialization and death was interested in the second socialization.It explains socialization and behavior by discovering that the combination of human relationship or behavior of human relationship and contribute to accept death.It is concluded that many factors contributes to socialize simple death.

Over imitate the role of adult is to imitate children.Can I see this is desirable phenomenon?I think children are ethical when adults lived in life, so I think that the life of life, and forced to leave the name of life.


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