W9.1 JuYoung Lee


This chapter explores the concept and importance of socialization. Socialization is the process by which individuals learn the norms, values, behaviors, and social skills necessary to function in society. The chapter covers various aspects of socialization.

Socialization integrates individuals into society, shapes their identity, and enables them to interact and communicate effectively with others.

Socialization occurs throughout a person's life, from childhood to adulthood, and includes different stages. Examples include primary socialization (in childhood) and secondary socialization (in later life).

The chapter examines theories from key sociologists such as George Herbert Mead, Charles Horton Cooley, and Sigmund Freud, exploring how individuals form their self-identity and learn societal norms.

Resocialization is the process of unlearning old behaviors and learning new ones. It often occurs in environments such as prisons, military training, and rehabilitation centers.


Socialization occurs throughout a person's life, from childhood to old age.

The content and processes of socialization vary at each stage, which in turn affects changes in an individual's social roles and behavior patterns. I found this aspect intriguing.


Let's think about how socialization differs depending on cultural background and how this influences an individual's values and behavior.


  1. I think cultural background plays an important role in an individual's social education and formation of values. Each culture has its own unique values, beliefs, customs and behaviors, and these values ​​and behaviors are shaped by their understanding of their roles and relationships in the society in which they live.


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