W9.1 Blog for reading materials


The text covering its goals, processes, types, and significance. It outlines three primary goals of socialization according to Arnett: impulse control, role preparation, and cultivation of sources of meaning. The cultural relativity of socialization is emphasized, highlighting differences based on various social locations.

The distinction between primary and secondary socialization is explained, focusing on differences in content, context, and response across different life stages. Arnett's differentiation between broad and narrow socialization is introduced, underscoring the importance of understanding the range of outcomes influenced by socialization.

The concept of total institutions, such as prisons and mental health facilities, is explored, emphasizing their role in resocializing individuals. The process of "mortification of the self" in total institutions is discussed as a means of shaping individuals according to societal norms.

Long and Hadden's revised understanding of socialization as the process of creating and incorporating new group members is presented, emphasizing the role of certified group members in socializing novices. Research examples in areas such as gender socialization, social class, death preparation, and the effects of high school tracks on IQ are provided to illustrate the complexities of socialization processes.

Boys are always considered better at math than girls. Is this a result of socialization?
Everyone sees colors differently. How do people's aesthetics tend to be unified due to socialization?


  1. For the cultural relativity of socialization, emphasis is placed on the differences between different social locations. This is really important because it reminds us that socialization is not static, but is influenced by a variety of factors such as culture and environment. This then also means that we need to be open-minded in understanding the socialization process in different cultures, rather than simply applying our own standards to others.


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