W9.1 April 29(Mon) / 이예나


This Wikipedia article discusses sociology and socialization. Socialization simply means preparing humans to function in social life. Generally, it is divided into primary socialization and secondary socialization. Primary socialization refers to socialization that occurs early in life, and secondary socialization refers to socialization that occurs additionally throughout life. Socialization theories include symbolic interactionism, role theory, reinforcement theory, and internalization theory. Whether we are properly socialized affects how we perceive someone in society as “normal” or “abnormal.”
Interesting Things
We learned that social class influences socialization. I find the worst part of socialization to be 'neglect', and it's interesting to note how, in the end, non-human animals are very little different from animals when fully raised.
As I read this article, I was interested in an explanation of the role the family plays in the socialization process. The impact of family on socialization and the process is described in detail, but I wonder how this socialization may differ in different cultures or societies.


  1. I think the impact of the family environment on socialization will be similar in any country. However, since the atmosphere of the family is different, the children will fill their social aspects accordingly.


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