W9.1 April 29 (Mon) - Song Seo Yoon

 1. Summary

Socialization is the process of preparing humans to function in society, which Arnett describes as three goals. It involves the development of impulse control and conscience, role preparation and performance, and the discovery and cultivation of meaning. Socialization is culturally relative, and takes place differently in different cultures and subcultures. In theory, socialization is divided into primary and secondary. Primary socialization occurs in childhood, and secondary socialization is the process of meeting additional social groups. Arnett distinguishes between broad socialization and narrow socialization, the former promoting independence and individualism, and the latter promoting obedience and conformity.

Also, socialization can take place across an entire institution. An entire institution is a place that specializes in resocializing individuals, such as a psychiatric hospital or prison. These institutions often socialize individuals using normative pressure. These processes are often referred to as "the ascension of the ego," which Goffman explained.

The importance of socialization can be explained through the unfortunate case of neglected children. Wild children do not learn social skills and are often lacking in language learning abilities as well. Theoretical understanding includes symbolic interactionism, role theory, reinforcement theory, and internalization theory. Each of these theories explains the process of self-development and socialization.

2. what did I learn

Through this lecture, we were able to learn about the complexity, diversity and relativity of socialization, the role of institutions, and the importance of socialization. Socialization has many aspects beyond just the process by which individuals learn social behavior. Various goals, such as controlling impulses, performing roles, and discovering meaning, are included, suggesting that socialization is more than just a learning process. Cultural diversity is one of the key features of socialization. When we understand that socialization takes place differently in various cultures and subcultures, we realize that human behavior and cultures are relative and absolutely inconceivable. Socialization is also important, and the importance of socialization can be clearly seen through the unfortunate cases of neglected children. Socialization is an essential process that supports individuals to learn and develop basic social skills. These realizations provide an understanding of the impact of socialization on individuals and society as a whole, and a better understanding of human behavior and social structure.

3. discussion/question

Do you have any other knowledge about socialization?


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