W8.1 Blog for reading materials


The text offers a comprehensive overview of politics, covering a wide range of topics from theoretical concepts to practical applications, and from global governance systems to societal inequalities.

It defines politics as the process through which groups of people make social and economic decisions. Besides the text examines the concepts of power and authority, highlighting their distinctions. Power refers to the ability to influence the behavior of others, while authority involves a claim of legitimacy and the right to exercise power. The text illustrates these concepts through examples such as Barack Obama's authority derived from a rational-legal system and King Abdullah's authority derived from tradition. Additionally, it discusses the role of violence in governance and how governments use authority to justify the use of power, creating a paradoxical relationship between authority and violence.The text provides detailed explanations of various forms of government, including monarchy, democracy, totalitarianism, oligarchy, communist states, and theocracy. It discusses the characteristics, origins, and examples of each type, offering insights into how power is distributed and exercised in different political systems.It explores the role of political parties in attaining and maintaining political power within governments, particularly focusing on the United States and Sweden. The text discusses the organizational structure of political parties, their ideologies, and their influence on electoral processes and policy-making.


The government uses violence to establish its authority, but in daily political propaganda, the government always carries out various activities in the name of "protecting the people" and "promoting social development", such as legislation, issuing bans, etc., to create a friendly image. 

3. Worth discussing

What is the meaning of the government's existence? Does the government really take the interests of the people as the starting point of its work? Will the power of different governments have a great impact on the people?


  1. I believe that the raison d'être of the Government is to serve the interests of the people. However, the Government's actions and decisions are not always fully in line with the interests of the people, and may sometimes be influenced by specific interest groups or political elites. Therefore, we need to pay attention to whether the Government's actions are really in line with the people's expectations and needs, and how to ensure that the Government's power is not abused.


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