W 9.1 April 29 (Mon) Yang yejoo

 1. Summary : Socialization is the process of adapting an individual as a member of society and learning social behavior. The goal of socialization can be explained by dividing it into impulse control and the development of conscience, role preparation and performance, and cultivation of values and meanings. Primary socialization can be classified as secondary socialization. In addition, it is classified into widespread inquiry and narrow socialization. Socialization is also important in adolescence and adulthood, along with the socialization of childhood related to biological drives.

2. Interesting or unusual things: It was interesting to see how Marshall interviewed the residents of the nursing home to investigate how their environment affected the idea of death. I had never thought deeply about death, but it was amazing that discussions about death occur naturally in nursing homes. I found that nursing homes contribute to socializing in a positive way that accepts death by providing a culture that values life and a sense of accomplishment.

3. Question: What role does your job or social activity play in shaping attitudes toward death? Is there a difference in how people from any cultural or religious background deal with death? 


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