W 9.1 (april 29) - jaejun Kim(김재준)

 1. Summary

The Wikibooks article "Introduction to Sociology/Socialization" provides a comprehensive look at the process of socialization, which is the way individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of their society. It discusses the role of socialization in human development and the various agents of socialization, such as family, schools, peers, media, and religion. The article also explores different theories of socialization, including those by Charles Cooley, George Herbert Mead, and Sigmund Freud, emphasizing the importance of social interactions in shaping self-identity and behavior.

2. Interesting Points

Agents of Socialization: The article highlights how different agents, like family and media, play pivotal roles in the socialization process. Family is often the first agent, imparting fundamental values and norms, while media has become increasingly influential in contemporary society.

The Looking-Glass Self: Charles Cooley's concept of the "looking-glass self" is fascinating. It suggests that our self-image is shaped by how we think others perceive us, demonstrating the profound impact of social interactions on personal

identity.Stages of Socialization: The article outlines various stages of socialization, from primary socialization in childhood to secondary socialization in adolescence and adulthood, illustrating how socialization is a lifelong process.

3. Discussion Questions

How do different agents of socialization (family, peers, media, etc.) influence the development of individual identity in distinct ways?


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