April.29.Mon-Cho Yunseo

 1. Summary

It covers several dimensions, including the purpose of socialization, the primary and secondary stages, the forms in broad and narrow meanings, and the patterns that emerge in various institutions. Discussions about the importance of socialization help to emphasize the importance of socialization in human development, especially through cases of wild children. The theoretical understanding of socialization presents a variety of perspectives, including symbolic interactionism, role theory, reinforcement theory, and internalization theory, which provide a unique perspective to analyze the process by which individuals are integrated into society. Furthermore, various research cases, such as gender socialization, social class, death preparation, and the impact of high school tracks on IQ, provide valuable insights into how socialization works in different contexts. These examples illustrate the multifaceted nature of socialization and its impact on many aspects of human life.

2. Interesting Thing 

The correlation between symbolic interactionism and socialization was interesting. Symbolic interactionism sees that meaning and reality are constructed through social interaction, and socialization is the process in which individuals learn social norms, values, and roles through this interaction process. The two concepts are closely related and play an important role in understanding the socialization process from the perspective of symbolic interactionism.

3. Question

How does socialization affect individual self- formation of individual interactionism?


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