W4.1 blog for reading material


This text explores the concept of culture from various perspectives, emphasizing its dynamic nature and its role in shaping human societies. 

The discussion emphasize that culture encompasses not only tangible objects and behaviors but also abstract elements such as norms, values, and beliefs. Culture is described as both relatively stable and contested, with ongoing negotiations influencing its evolution.

The text traces the historical evolution of the concept of culture, from earlier Eurocentric views to more inclusive understandings that reject hierarchical distinctions between cultures. It explores the origins of culture, noting its close relationship with human evolution and its role in adaptation to the environment.

Different levels of abstraction in culture are examined, ranging from individual behaviors to broader societal influences. The artificiality of cultural categorization is highlighted, emphasizing the intertwined nature of culture and society.

Subcultures and countercultures are discussed as manifestations of cultural diversity and resistance to dominant norms. Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are explored as contrasting perspectives on cultural diversity, with an emphasis on the importance of understanding cultural differences without judgment.

Theories of culture are presented, including the integrationist model proposed by Ritzer, which emphasizes the interplay between macro-level societal structures and micro-level individual behaviors. The functions of culture are examined, including its role in maintaining social order and perpetuating social inequalities.

The text also explores processes of cultural change, including diffusion, acculturation, assimilation, and transculturation. Cultural change is attributed to various factors, such as environmental changes, technological innovations, and interactions between different cultures.

Finally, the text discusses cultural sociology as an approach to studying culture, highlighting the importance of examining how individuals make meaning out of cultural elements in their everyday lives. 

Overall, the text provides a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted nature of culture and its significance in shaping human societies. 

2. Interesting

In the United States, dogs are dogs and a symbol of "inedible animals". American society and culture tell Americans that "this is inedible", so some Americans do not even think about slaughtering dogs and using dog meat as food. In addition, these dog lovers will also make moral condemnations towards people who eat dog meat in other cultural contexts. Here, we emphasize moral condemnations because we can only criticize the behavioral differences caused by cultural differences from a moral perspective.

3. Discussion

Each culture has its own internal logic and values, and there are various standards of perfection between different cultures. However, unlike those who believe they have this culture, they are often not understood as having a different culture; But rather understood as having no culture. May I ask why cultural differences have evolved into cultural discrimination?


  1. Every culture has its own logic and values. I respect every cultural difference, but I also feel perplexed when I encounter cultural differences that I cannot comprehend. But I don't show it. For example, in your article, you mentioned that in America, a dog is considered a non-edible animal. I strongly support this perspective. However, in some regions, consuming dog meat is a prevalent practice. Personally, I strongly oppose the consumption of dog meat. Therefore, regarding your query about how cultural distinctions can lead to cultural discrimination, I believe I have an answer. Everyone's personal values and moral standards are different. When personal values clash with specific cultural differences, negative emotions may arise. This can lead individuals to believe that their own values are superior and view other cultures as peculiar, ultimately resulting in discriminatory behavior.


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