W 15.1 June 10 (Mon) eunsong kwon

 1. Summary

Demography relies on large data sets from censuses and registration statistics to develop trends in indicators like birth and death rates. Reliable demographic data can be difficult to obtain, especially in developing countries, often due to the association of census with taxation. Demographers focus on indicators such as fertility (birth rates) and mortality (death rates) to study population changes, along with migration trends. Fertility measures include the crude birth rate, general fertility rate, age-specific fertility rate, total fertility rate, gross reproduction rate, and net reproduction rate. Replacement level fertility, set at 2.1 children per woman, ensures population stability. Fertility rates have declined in more developed regions first, followed by Asia, Latin America, and more recently in Africa. Accurate demographic data is crucial but often hard to achieve, especially for minority groups, making demographic insights constantly evolving.

2. What I learned

Before reading this article, I vaguely thought that demographic insights could be further developed in the majority group. Because I thought statistics become more accurate the more data they had. However, in this article, I constantly develop demographic insights, especially in minority groups, because accurate demographic data is important but often difficult to achieve. I realized anew by seeing that minority groups constantly develop demographic insights. In the case of minority groups, demographic insights are constantly being developed

3. Discussion

It is said that the more education you receive, the more likely you are to live longer. What are some cases in which education has a negative impact on your lifespan?


  1. Generally, people with higher levels of education tend to acquire more knowledge and information about physical and mental health, and they have a higher likelihood of accessing better medical services. Therefore, it can be said that higher education levels typically have a positive impact on lifespan. Consequently, it is hard to argue that the content of 'modern' education itself has a negative impact on lifespan. However, it is undeniable that the negative impact of the overall increase in educational standards in society has become a major issue. Could we call this the treadmill of education and competition? It is clear that intense academic zeal generates more intense academic zeal. It is not easy to have the courage and leisure to walk alone while everyone else is running. In the process, some will be gasping for breath, twisting their ankles, and losing their toenails.


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