[w.13.1] May 27 - YeonWoo Jung(정연우)


When does social inequality occur? It occurs as a result of unfair allocation practices in which resources within society are unevenly distributed or create distinct unequal patterns based on socially defined categories of people. These social inequalities can be classified as egalitarian society, class society, and stratified society. An egalitarian society is a community that advocates equality with equal signs and rights, so discrimination does not exist. A class society is an agricultural community grouped hierarchically from the head considered to have a status in society. Finally, a stratified society refers to a society ranked horizontally by the upper, middle, and lower classes.


The description that inequality provides various goods and services in the open market, stimulates ambition, and provides incentives for diligence and innovation was interesting. I think this is a contradiction of inequality. Inequal situations are a bad thing that requires improvement, but I think it is the duality of inequality itself that uses these to lead people to development.


I think global inequality is one of the first challenges to be solved in this era. What methods can be devised from an individual's point of view to resolve global inequality?


  1. While global inequality is a complex and systemic challenge, individuals have a role to play in contributing to its resolution through their actions, choices, and advocacy efforts. By educating themselves, supporting ethical consumption and fair trade, advocating for policy change, volunteering and donating, supporting empowerment and capacity building, and fostering cross-cultural understanding and solidarity, individuals can contribute to building a more just, equitable, and inclusive world for all.

  2. Your summary of social inequality provided a clear overview of its causes and classifications, from egalitarian societies to stratified societies. The discussion on how inequality can serve as a motivator for ambition and innovation, despite its negative aspects, was thought-provoking.

    Regarding your discussion question on global inequality, exploring grassroots movements and initiatives that promote education, economic empowerment, and access to healthcare in underserved regions could be impactful. Additionally, advocating for fair trade practices and supporting organizations focused on sustainable development can contribute to reducing global inequality from an individual standpoint.


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