w 9.2 - choi yun ji / 최윤지

 1. Summary

Deviations are behaviors that violate cultural norms and are divided into formal deviations (crimes) and informal deviations (violations of social norms). Different cultures have different norms, which determine the degree and type of deviations. For example, it is rare to limit speech in the United States, but in monasteries, speaking only at certain times can be considered deviations. From a sociological point of view, the study of deviations deals with measurements of formal deviations, investigations of social norms, and theories that explain them.
- Conflict theory
A clear example of how deviations reflect a power imbalance is in crime reporting and tracing. White-collar crimes are typically committed by individuals from higher social classes.
- Labeling Theory
Deviant labels apply. They adopt labels by showing behaviors, behaviors, and attitudes related to them. It refers to the idea that an individual will deviate when the above two things happen.

2. What's interesting
Interestingly, first of all, the U.S. prison system is more interested in isolating criminals than re-socializing them in society. This leads to higher recidivism rates, which are heavily influenced by social stigma and consequent sanctions.
"Drug courts," or alternative sentencing systems that mandate treatment and treatment for drug crimes, have been shown to be effective innovations in lowering recidivism rates. These systems are reducing recidivism rates by a significant percentage, and focus is on correcting criminal behavior. It is also noteworthy that the amount of money spent on correctional systems in the United States is also noteworthy. Correctional systems are significant costs, which raises concerns that better ways are needed to address social problems.

3. Discussion
The United States has a higher murder rate than other countries.
In view of this, how should the government system in the United States improve?


  1. I found your blog post on deviations and cultural norms very enlightening! Your explanation of formal and informal deviations, along with examples like speech limitations in monasteries versus the United States, helped illustrate how norms vary across cultures. The discussion on conflict theory and labeling theory provided a clear understanding of the sociological perspectives on deviations.

    One suggestion for further improvement would be to include more specific examples or case studies that highlight the impact of these theories in real-world scenarios. This could help readers better grasp the practical applications of the concepts you discussed.


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