W10.2 Blog for reading materials


The overview of social structure emphasizes the idea that the enduring relationships or bonds between individuals or groups of individuals.In a general sense, the term can refer to:entities or groups in definite relation to each other, relatively enduring patterns of behavior and relationship within a society, or social institutions and norms becoming embedded into social systems in such a way that they shape the behavior of actors within those social systems.

society is organized into groups or sets of roles with different functions, meanings, or purposes. Social stratification, for instance, separates society into different levels based on social distinctions like race, class, disability, or gender. Embeddedness is a concept introduced to explain how social structure influences individual behavior, emphasizing that human actions are enmeshed in personal relationships.

Historically, scholars like Tocqueville, Marx, Weber, Tönnies, and Durkheim contributed to understanding social structure. Marx, for instance, linked political and cultural life to the mode of production. Durkheim introduced the idea of ​​mechanical and organic solidarity to describe how different social institutions ensure the functional integration of society.


In the 20th century, various perspectives, including structuralist, feminist, Marxist, and functionalist, contributed to the understanding of social structure. Recent work by scholars like Giddens, Bourdieu, Archer, Burns, and Wallerstein further elaborated on structural sociology.

Social structure encompasses the relationships between entities or groups, enduring patterns of behavior, and institutionalized norms shaping social actions. It can be divided into institutional and relational structures, microstructure, and macrostructure. Normative, ideal, interest, and interaction structures are distinguished, each influencing different aspects of social life.


The origins and evolution of social structure are debated, do you think it is naturally developed or socially constructed?


  1. With regard to the controversy over the origin and evolution of social structures, I believe that social structures are both naturally formed and socially constructed. In the course of our long history, our human societies have continuously shaped social structures through interaction, cultural inheritance and institutionalized norms. Therefore, I believe that social structures are also the result of natural influences and human constructs.


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