What I Learned from This Course——WANG YUERONG


Enrolling in this course exploring contemporary global societal issues has been a profoundly enlightening journey. From the foundational exploration of classic and modern sociological theories to the in-depth study of how societies organize themselves, the course has provided me with a comprehensive framework to understand the complexities of today's world. By examining the roles of race, gender, and other social dynamics, I have gained a deeper appreciation for how these factors influence individual lives and societal structures.

One of the most compelling aspects of the course was its comparative approach, particularly in juxtaposing South Korea with other countries. This comparative lens not only broadened my understanding of sociology but also highlighted the unique challenges and dynamics at play within South Korean society. It underscored the importance of cultural context in shaping social phenomena and challenged me to critically evaluate my own cultural perspectives.

Moreover, the discussions on globalization left a lasting impression on me. I came to appreciate globalization not merely as an economic phenomenon but as a transformative force shaping cultures, politics, and identities worldwide. Learning about the tensions between globalization and local cultural identities sparked introspection on issues of cultural diversity and cultural homogenization, prompting me to reconsider my stance on these complex matters.

Equally impactful were the insights gained from studying social change through revolutions, social movements, and other transformative processes. These discussions illuminated the power dynamics inherent in societal transformations and deepened my understanding of how collective action can drive meaningful change. They also instilled in me a heightened awareness of the ethical and moral dimensions of social movements, challenging me to think critically about justice, equality, and human rights.

The course's pedagogical approach, combining readings, lectures, discussions, and writing assignments, proved instrumental in my learning journey. The readings provided a theoretical foundation, while the lectures enriched my understanding with real-world examples and current debates. Engaging in discussions not only exposed me to diverse perspectives but also sharpened my ability to articulate and defend my own viewpoints. Meanwhile, the writing assignments honed my analytical skills, requiring me to synthesize complex ideas and formulate coherent arguments.

As I reflect on what I have learned from this course, I realize it has not only expanded my academic horizons but also enriched my personal and professional growth. It has equipped me with a nuanced understanding of social issues, enhanced my critical thinking abilities, and deepened my commitment to social justice and global citizenship. Moving forward, I am eager to apply these insights in both academic pursuits and practical endeavors, contributing positively to our increasingly interconnected and diverse world.

2.Interesting Point

One of the most intriguing aspects of this course was the exploration of how globalization influences cultural identities. Through studying globalization's impact on societies worldwide, I gained a deeper understanding of how interconnected our world has become economically, socially, and culturally. It was fascinating to see how global economic integration not only fosters prosperity but also raises questions about cultural diversity and preservation. This led me to reflect on the balance between embracing global influences and preserving local traditions. It was eye-opening to realize that while globalization brings opportunities for cultural exchange and economic growth, it also poses challenges to maintaining cultural authenticity and identity.


  1. You keep a very detailed reflective diary and it is clear that you know the content of the course well. In your mention of your views on the impact of globalisation on cultural identity. I also think you make a good point that globalisation does allow us to see more cultures but also the challenge of maintaining our own. You also mentioned a lot of issues that have made me start thinking about them again as well, your reflective diary not only demonstrated your knowledge of the course but it also inspired me to think about these issues, it was a great reflective diary and I hope that we will both improve in the future.


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